Understanding Player Tiers in The Spike: From D to S Tier Explained

The spike volleyball story has a lot of players, but only a few of them are special and unique. Different players have different abilities, so nothing is hard to understand here.These players are divided into different tiers, and each tier has a different player’s abilities.We have the S, B, and A tiers in the spike Volleyball story.

This article will discuss Player Tiers in The Spike and what it means by every tier, what tier your payers are the best for, and what players are the worst.

Player Tiers in The Spike

S tier

This section consists of the elite and most competitive players. The players in the S tier are the top players of the spike, and having them on your team is a straight ticket to winning. The players in the S category are complete volleyball players with 150-plus jumps and exceptional spike capabilities.

The most famous S-tier players include Nishikawa, Otis and Hongshi.

A+ tier

Now, we have the A+ tier. Players in this category are second-best after S-tier players. These players are also speedy and competitive and can be very good additions to the team. A+ Tier players are easier to get than S-tier players. The best thing about these characters is that they can be significantly upgraded. Once they reach their full potential, these players can be as good as the S-tier Players.

B tier

These are quite average players; their spiking ability is not entirely effective, and their shots can be blocked easily when the high school teams are in story mode. These players can be good if you play a strategic game with them instead of using a powerplay because it is not for them. They can not electrify the coliseum with their powerful spiking.

D tier

Finally, we have the worst group of players, who are newbies in volleyball, such as high schoolers, who have yet to grow. These players are waist to get and cheaper to equip. The best thing about these players is that they can be upgraded, and if you play them a lot, they can improve in the long run.

D-tier players are just you. When you first start something when playing with these players, remember that they have a lot of room to grow, and you should give them some time to adjust

How to improve the ranking

Well, if you ask any successful person what is the secret of your success, the most common answer you will get is hard work. Something applies here: if you want to improve the ranking of your players, just work on them, upgrade them and give them some time. They will surely learn and adopt the techniques to be better. Nothing feels better than rising from the bottom and becoming an S-tier player. I suggest that you focus on upgrading your players from the beginning. That is how you will get that team chemistry and improvement over the game.

Conclusion; Player Tiers in The Spike

In this article, we discussed the different Player Tiers in The Spikevolleyball story and mentioned 4 tiers. S tier, A+tier. B tier and D tier. As you go down, the player’s skill level drops. Your goal should be to get to the S tier and rock the spike volleyball gameÂ